Benefits: Turns your hips and shoulders-man yawning.
Warning: This must stop, even before being aware of your muscles do not feel you can provide.
Methods: Vertical standing start in the kneeling position. Put your right foot on the ground in front of you and rotate it outside your left knee. Slide your left foot to right in this order, it should not create barriers to exit right in front of your feet. Placed between your hips will fit your feet. While this move will stretch your hips too. Therefore, to reduce the feeling of exertion a pillow under your hips or you can put a folded blanket. Continue to breathe normally and to loosen your hips while maintaining your posture, try to relax. Take your right arm on your back and your fingers up toward your neck, try to remove. Inhale and lift the left arm behind you to extend through the left ear. Exhale while standing on your back drop your left hand and right hand with the fingers of your left hand to catch your fingers. Loosen your hips and shoulders one more time. If you relax your body and how this position can do so safely. Learn how to do this while standing on the tips to other pages. And more flexible if you want to stretch, then breathe in and breathe out after you join your hands while standing in front of you lean toward your right knee. Keep your posture as long as you are comfortable. Then your right elbow and lift your head again to return to the sitting position. To this end position to release your arms, legs and thoroughly shake the resolution. The movement of your body Repeat for other side.
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